Camper Trail Map

Your camper's journey towards becoming a Christlike Leader!

Launching Christlike Leaders

New Life Ranch desires to equip and launch Christlike leaders into the world to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. With the mission to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and equip believers for ministry, New Life Ranch summer programs serve to establish a firm foundation of faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and build upon it servant leaders who are equipped to lead others in a faithful life of following Christ, Our camper trail map shows the journey campers take through their summers at New Life Ranch.

Regardless of how much time a camper spends with us, we want to play a part in their spiritual growth. Beginning with Day Camp and ending with Soma Team, our summer programs build on the previous experience, always pointing campers towards becoming Christlike Leaders. Each program focuses on specific areas of faith development that are developmentally appropriate for that camper, and activities and experiences support those goals.